Although it is all well and good to be in the service of others, we should also engage in self-care to ensure our own emotional, mental, and physical health. Self-care is the act of doing things t...
What is the equation for behavioral change? That’s one of the central questions that social scientists have been trying to tackle. There are many theories ranging from learned associations and cha...
Motives We can strive to become our ideal selves but what is the point in putting in all the effort if there is no bigger purpose beyond ourselves? It's like continually trying to climb up a m...
We are often pressured by society and other people to have things figured out and to follow socially acceptable protocol. This leads to ideas of how things should be and how things should go: expe...
What are some things that you do on a regular basis that you don’t give a second thought to? What are the visual, sound, and smell cues to signal what action you should take? Is it the smell of co...
With so many things going on in the world, it becomes easy for us to get dragged into the emotional white noise and hype of other people’s anxieties and fears. There are so many political, philoso...