Willpower and Motivation
Every action we take requires resources (on a physiological and mental level as well as emotional, to varying degrees). As such, our bodies and minds are in a constant flux of how much energy we t...
Every action we take requires resources (on a physiological and mental level as well as emotional, to varying degrees). As such, our bodies and minds are in a constant flux of how much energy we t...
What drives you? What is the one thing that you do at the start of each day that sets the tone and momentum for the rest of the day? Those little daily cues are the stepping stone for motivation a...
We are often pressured by society and other people to have things figured out and to follow socially acceptable protocol. This leads to ideas of how things should be and how things should go: expe...
What are some things that you do on a regular basis that you don’t give a second thought to? What are the visual, sound, and smell cues to signal what action you should take? Is it the smell of co...
Even if we have the skill-set and resources to meet and maintain goals, we can still become unmotivated and have a hard time adhering to an exercise and diet regimen. According to Ingledew & M...
That is the age-old question and it’s easy to theorize about the roadblocks that prevent us from exercising and make up excuses. However, it is all about how we view the act of exercising and the...