The Power of Visualizing
One of the brain’s top priorities is to create efficiencies by managing the never-ending flow of incoming information. It does this by filtering what is relevant versus irrelevant to us through ex...
One of the brain’s top priorities is to create efficiencies by managing the never-ending flow of incoming information. It does this by filtering what is relevant versus irrelevant to us through ex...
Motives We can strive to become our ideal selves but what is the point in putting in all the effort if there is no bigger purpose beyond ourselves? It's like continually trying to climb up a m...
We are often pressured by society and other people to have things figured out and to follow socially acceptable protocol. This leads to ideas of how things should be and how things should go: expe...
Being prepared is usually considered a positive, but always waiting for the right moment to take action comes at an opportunity cost. We will never know all the relevant information regarding a sit...
With the fast pace that the modern world pressures us to go at, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the number of stimuli that is thrown at us such as the pull to buy material things (consumerism) and ...
That is the age-old question and it’s easy to theorize about the roadblocks that prevent us from exercising and make up excuses. However, it is all about how we view the act of exercising and the...