Apr 17 , 2021
Designed to Move | Excessive Kyphosis
What is Excessive Kyphosis?
Excessive kyphosis refers to the movement distortion where there is an exaggerated forward tilt and rounding of the thoracic spine (located below the neck and above the rib cage) and shoulders, often referred to as having a “hunchback”. A slight curvature of the thoracic is considered to be part of natural spinal alignment, but if it becomes exaggerated and extends to the neck and the lower back regions, it can put undue pressure on the rib cage area. This leads to muscle fatigue, pain, and stiffness of the neck (cervical spine), shoulders, lower back (lumbar spine), and hips.
How Does This Happen?
This movement distortion usually stems from a weak, overstretched and/or compromised thoracic spine due to leaning over too much (ex. constantly looking down at your phone), weakened back muscles (inability to sit up straight), neurological disorders, fractures, biological aging, and osteoporosis. If you exhibit excessive kyphosis, you might also suffer from other movement distortions, such as upper cross syndrome, glute amnesia, and excessive lordosis, due to the compounding of issues associated with the misalignment of the spine.
What Are the Signs of Excessive Kyphosis?
- Default hunched over position
- Muscle fatigue
- Pain and stiffness of the neck (cervical spine), shoulders, lower back (lumbar spine), and hips
How Do You Fix It That?
- Release - pec complex and Sternocleidomastoid
- Activate - lower mid trapezius | side lying db scaption
- Integrate - posterior oblique sling | lunge to contralateral scaption
- Strengthen - posterior shoulder girdle | bent over db row