Mar 23 , 2021
Are You In Control?
Do you believe that you are in control of most outcomes? Or are things usually out of your control? Where we perceive our agency to be and to what extent is called the “locus of control”. Internal locus of control is the measure of how much we believe our situations and outcomes are within our control whereas external locus of control is the measure of how much we believe our situations and outcomes are tied to outside factors.
Adding Perspective
Where we direct our beliefs affects behaviors and, therefore, outcomes. Take weight loss for example. If a person regularly attributes her struggles to outside sources, such as genetics, other people, etc., she will more likely become a passive observer in her own health journey. However, if that same person takes responsibility for her own struggles and believes that she can change, she will more likely take steps to be successful: in other words, become an active player. This doesn’t mean that believing that you are in control will automatically make you successful but that you will invite opportunities and take chances to help yourself.
Thoughts for the Week
Outside of extraordinary circumstances, believing that things are happening to you vs. believing that you have the power to control things in your life can be the difference between living a fulfilling and happy life vs. living a life full of resentments and regrets. So, the next time you are confronted with an issue, what are you going to be: a passive observer or an active player?